2021年1 - 2月刊

Words of Wisdom from C/Col Duke 

通过C / Vano

最近,我采访了杜克上校,了解了他对几个问题的看法. 他提供了 对于如何应对这个学期和ROTC,我们都有了深刻的见解和鼓励. We 有目标要执行,体能评估要达到最大值,glp要完成,那么我们开始吧 全力以赴! With the new leadership of C/Col Duke and Wing 工作人员 we have a lot 向他们学习,期待看到他们的伟大成就! 

Q: In 一个 word, how can you describe your ROTC experience?


Q: What is the biggest lesson you want to impart to the detachment?

The biggest lesson I would like to impart is the concept of failure. 我要学员 要明白失败是成长和成功的必要条件. 我想要的 人们要敢于面对未知,敢于冒险,敢于挑战 正面. (Just refer to my definition of the 斯巴达式的飞行员)

斯巴达式的飞行员敢于挑战极限的DET 045军校学员或军官 or go outside of their comfort z一个. Spartan Airmen strive for the uncomfortable and attack every obstacle they encounter.

Q: What is the highest item on your bucket list?

我遗愿清单上最高的项目是去跳伞,并希望参加空降班 or Air Assault School if commissi一个d into the Air Force.

Q: What is something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do?

我一直想学习如何说其他语言,以建立更多的文化 的关系. Some languages that I've always wanted to learn are Arabic, Chinese, 包括西班牙语!

Q: What words of encouragement would you like all cadets to remember?

对学员们说:“在你们在后备军官训练队和整个生活中,我敦促你们每一个人 and every 一个 of you to take hold of life and make the best of it. 当遇到 obstacles or challenges think of ways to overcome them. Never bow down to the circumstances. 抓住你所拥有的并利用它,找借口很容易,但很难 采取行动. Keep a positive mindset, a negative mindset is contagious and can bring the entire team down in an instant. As we work to develop future Air Force officers, 我们必须相互推动,不仅要超越自己,还要设定期望,以此来体现这一点 through taking hold of every opportunity we get. No matter if you are a GMC or POC 我们都在不断发展,努力成为更好的领导者和追随者."

Q: How are you spending your Friday after PT, LLAB, and AS class? 你午睡还是吃饭 第一个?

在正常的PMT时间和周五的课上,我总是发现自己只是放松 and interacting with my fellow cadets. Normally, we would go out to eat, work out or participate in other organizations outside of ROTC (AAS or PDU). 记住永远 take care of yourself and don't just become an ROTC robot!


我想改变这个世界的一件事就是幸福的概念. 就像我 之前说过,人们倾向于让环境或情况抓住他们,趋势 towards a negative outlook. No matter the situation, to benefit not only yourself 但对你周围的人来说,保持快乐和积极是很重要的.

Job Selection for Commissioning Cadets Crossword

通过C / Vano



  1. C / Germenis AFSC
  2. C / Pham AFSC
  3. C / Manandic AFSC
  4. C /卡尔森AFSC
  5. C/Balanga’s and C/Pugeda’s AFSC

Congratulations to all of our soon-to-be Second Lieutenants! DET 045是不可思议的 为你感到骄傲! 

How Cadets Spent their Winter Break

通过C / Tiruthani

保持社交距离的最后一年带来了许多挑战,特别是当它 comes to recreation and travel. However, that didn’t stop our cadets from spending 他们的寒假与家人在一起,提高自己,和 保持健康. In the face of COVID, cadets managed to alter their plans and change their approach to the vacation, there

man holding a snowboard


滑雪运动潜在的社会距离使其成为主要的隔离威胁 度假活动. C/Maj Cui was 一个 cadet who took advantage of this fact, spending his time skiing and snowboarding the many slopes of Lake Tahoe. 

“戴着口罩在大约9000英尺的高空呼吸变得更加困难。” said C/Cui, of a unique challenge he found on the slopes. “But it was enjoyable n一个theless, 因为很容易与其他滑雪者和单板滑雪者保持社交距离.”  

在公共场合戴口罩是C/Cui做出的许多健康决定之一 寒假:除了花很多时间在户外和庆祝 在圣诞节和新年的小组活动中,他也决定成为素食主义者. 

“这让我想起了我们的核心价值观之一:精益求精 with being in the best health I can. I encourage cadets to try out a plant based diet 因为它提供了大量的能量,耐力和耐力,而不是吃很多动物 身体健康产品,无论是力量训练,跑步,还是骑自行车.”

FTP学员C/塞尔瓦马尼对隔离假期有不同的看法:代替 在度假期间,他一直忙着为成为一名空军飞行员的目标而努力. 早期 在休息期间,他获得了私人飞行员执照,完成了长达数月的飞行 of ground school, learning flights, and check rides. In true aerophile fashion, he also began working at an aviation fuel company. 

C/塞尔瓦马尼不观赏天空的时候,就呆在家里,把时间花在他新买的衣服上 任天堂开关. 

Of course, no Winter Break is complete without New Year’s resolution. 像C /崔, C/Selvamani chose a health-adjacent mandate for the upcoming year.

“My New Year’s resolution is to get swole,” said C/Selvamani. “I would have this with or without COVID [existing].”



通过C /汗

学员们开始了LLAB的前几周,实际上是为了遵守COVID-19协议. Det 045从2020年秋季学期改编了虚拟LLAB来进行体验 even more engaging than before. Cadets are provided with a learning environment to 成长和提高自己作为斯巴达飞行员,尽管目前的环境.

 从LLAB 1开始,学员们在春季由干部和C/Col Duke授课 semester's standards and expectations. Additionally, they were briefed on dress and appearance as well as the PT procedures for the semester. 

在LLAB的第二周,学员们对最新的指挥系统进行了更新 等级结构. Furthermore, they were briefed on customs and courtesies of the 美国空军. 周 2 ended with cadets being organized into mentorship 根据他们的目标和专业分组,为他们提供学习的机会 并从那些在后备军官训练团的经历中遇到过类似情况的人那里获得建议. 

最后,LLAB 3为整个支队提供了许多独特的学习机会. 开始 从美国空军技术中士科尔曼的简报中得知. 这份简报宣讲了在枪击事件中该怎么做的正确规程. 学员们将他们所学到的知识应用到演讲者给出的不同场景中 to prepare them for real life circumstances. Cadets were also briefed on Self-Aid 朋友关心. 在收到这份简报后,他们熟悉了基本的生命维持设备 以及帮助受伤人员在战斗中生存的拯救技术. 周 3 LLAB ended off with drill practice. Here cadets ran through the basic commands and 通过虚拟训练模拟器的动作,为接下来的几周做准备 of LLAB that will be in person. This exercise proved to be especially beneficial for the new 150s that had just joined the Det 045 family.



基线体能评估在2月的第一周进行. 像往常一样 评估要求学员最大限度地发挥他们的力量,发挥最大的推力 仰卧起坐在一分钟内完成,然后跑一英里半 significantly more than that! 

考虑到部分虚拟环境,这个BFA是非常独特的. 变焦,Strava, and e-signatures seem to be the new normal for Det 045. This demonstrates the adaptability 和面对逆境时的韧性我们有超然的态度,被 warrior spirit of our cadets.

由于详细的规划,虚拟博鳌论坛的执行是顺利而清晰的 放大的标志instructions of C/1st Lt Kan. His thorough email provided a step by step guide for cadets to follow, making the process an effortless task. 

分队成员为2021年首届博鳌亚洲论坛付出了巨大努力 was outstanding, but we must keep preparing ourselves. Remember it is all about progress 而不是完美. 

