API Heritage Month

API Heritage Month 2023
API Heritage Month 2023

We celebrate API Heritage Month

这些活动由各种各样的共同赞助商和共同策划者为您带来,包括 亚太岛民学生赋权中心(CAPISE),亚裔美国人研究 program in the Sociology Department; the Mosaic Cross Cultural Center; Counseling and Psychological Services; Student Affairs, 校园生活; Student Union; and many 更多的.


What's in a Name? API Heritage Month Kick-off

Event starts at:,11:00 amEvent is located at:,Student Union Theater (Hybrid Event)

4th Annual Night Market

时间:6:00 pm.地点:7th Street Plaza

Open Mic Night

Event starts at:,6:00 pmEvent is located at:,Student Union Theater (Hybrid Event)

酷儿 & 亚洲 Workshop: Exploring Our 酷儿 & API Identities

时间:2:00 pm地点:Student Union Meeting Room 2A

Immigration and the API Community

Event starts at:,12:00 pmEvent is located at:,Clark Hall 100H (Hybrid Event)


Event starts at:,2:00 pmEvent is located at:,Martin Luther 国王库, Room 225 (Hybrid Event)

Roy Choi Spartan系列讲座(烹饪示范及签售)

Event starts at:,6:30 pmEvent is located at:,Dining Commons (Hybrid Event)

亚洲 American Studies Iftar 

时间:7:00 pm地点:Campus Village 2 Multipurpose Room

Everything Everywhere All At Once Movie Screening

时间:6:30 pm地点:Student Union Ballroom

Managing Perfektionism as an AAPI student

时间:11:00 am地点:Student Wellness Center 3rd floor, Room 375

Constellations of Liberation

Event starts at:,12:00 pmEvent is located at:,Student Union Meeting Room 4 (Hybrid Event)


时间:5:00 pm地点:稍后通知


时间:11:45 am地点:Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

Everything, Everywhere, All at Once Film Discussion

时间:2:30 pm地点:Student Union Meeting Room 3A

菠菜网lol正规平台 AAS Founders Alumni Reunion

时间:4:00 pm地点:Student Union Meeting Room 4

Event Descriptions

What's in a name? API Heritage Month Kick-off

加入我们的教师,职员和学生谁将讨论的名称小组 API散居的惯例,特别是解决我们工作的命名 on this campus. Free food from Pono Hawaiian Grill will also be provided.

Sponsored by Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

4th Annual Night Market

Night Market is coming! 星期三,4月5日,晚上6点到9点,夜市将 占领第七街广场,那里有食品摊贩、表演者和工艺品摊位. 所有菠菜网lol正规平台 students are welcome to attend! Hosted by Student Involvement in collaboration with CAPISE, Associated Students, and Student Union, 公司.

由学生参与,CAPISE,学生联合会和学生会赞助, 公司.

Open Mic Night

我们每月开放麦克风之夜,与马赛克,CAPISE和学生会合作 事件. 像往常一样,我们的开放麦克风在马赛克YouTube页面上进行直播.

Sponsored by Mosaic Cross Cultural Center and CAPISE.

酷儿 & 亚洲 Workshop: Exploring Our 酷儿 & API Identities

这个项目将以一个画廊步行活动开始,鼓励学生潜水 into reflections about their identities as queer & 亚洲. Following the gallery walk 会有小的小组讨论,和大的关于酷儿的小组讨论吗 & API 经历,骄傲和羞耻如何交织在API和酷儿社区中, 并比较过去和现在的酷儿API身份. 这将 be a space co-facilitated by 酷儿 & 亚洲 and CAPISE.

Sponsored by CAPISE and 酷儿 & 亚洲.

Immigration and the API Community

在这个演讲中,社区专家将提供最新的移民信息 policies that impact the API immigrant community. Participants will also receive resources that are available for students and their families at 菠菜网lol正规平台. (Hybrid Event)

Sponsored by UndocuSpartan Resource Center and CAPISE


考虑上一门亚裔美国人研究课程,或者现在就上? 来 加入我们,探索亚裔美国人研究课程(和辅修课程)的方式!)可以拥有 an impact on your life. 20年前,Hien Do教授,curtis Takada教授 鲁克斯、当时的学生尼尔·奥迪诺里奥、格蕾丝-索尼娅·梅拉尼奥和平丹找到了自己 in an 亚洲 American Studies class at 菠菜网lol正规平台. Hear them discuss their experiences and 分享了解自己的根源如何激励他们,并为他们提供一个基础 build toward their professional goals. (Hybrid Event)

Sponsored by CAPISE

Roy Choi Spartan系列讲座(烹饪示范及签售)

罗伊·崔主厨将加入我们的斯巴达系列演讲他将做一个 一边烹饪一边回答有关他的生活、旅程和观点的问题. 之后,他将为任何有兴趣收到一本书的人举行签售会. (Hybrid Event)

Sponsored by Student Affairs 校园生活

亚洲 American Studies Iftar 

与穆斯林学生协会合作的亚裔美国人研究将分享 在我们休息的时候,研究SWANA和穆斯林学生在校园里的经历 fast together with El Halal Amigos! 

Sponsored by AAS and MSA

Everything Everywhere All At Once Movie Screening

和我们一起观看奥斯卡获奖影片《lol菠菜网正规平台》. 看 这部精彩的电影与校园社区一起享受主题小吃.


Managing Perfektionism as an AAPI student

这个研讨会将尽可能集中于理解不同类型的完美主义 完美主义的起源,以及它如何影响aapi识别的学生和独特的 challenges that AAPI students go through. We will also discuss ways to cope with this in a safe, collaborative community space!

Sponsored by Counseling And Psychological Services


加入CCCAC,与《lol菠菜网正规平台》一书的合著者Gayle Romasanta进行一场图书对话 to Justice: The Life of Larry Itliong. Learn about the fight for Filipino Farm Workers rights and recognition! 

Sponsored by the A.S. Cesar Chavez Community Action Center

Constellations of Liberation

汇集了几代人的抵抗和团结,诗人 & musicians ʻIhilani Lasconia and D. Kauwila Mahi将提供讲座和研讨会,使用大洋公司的工具 刚写. 与会者将更多地了解夏威夷的解放斗争, the Pacific, and Turtle Island. With art as the north star for driving movements forward, 参与者将创作自己的“停电”诗歌,作为构建权力的行为 and ensuring well-being across oceans and continents.

Sponsored by CAPISE and Mosaic Cross Cultural Center


关注南亚和南亚裔美国激进分子的历史和遗产 来自伯克利和旧金山地区的激进主义,Archit Mahale将提供一个互动 讲座重点介绍了120年的历史南亚倡导工作. 与会者 将了解到南亚的激进分子是如何受到马克思主义和黑人的启发的 权力运动,同时创造独特的视角,反对殖民主义,种族主义,经济 不平等、种姓歧视、父权制和国家暴力.

Sponsored by Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

Everything, Everywhere, All at Once Film Discussion

除了百吉饼,热狗手指,和多元宇宙跳跃,无所不在 EEAAO承认并解决API社区中的相关主题 that are often stigmatized. 尽管这部电影在众多媒体平台上获奖, what does it really mean to be visible in the media? Join our discussion in tackling 在电影中流行的主题,在媒体中的代表性的意义,和 how EEAAO connects to modern issues. Be prepared to speak about your personal resonations with the film and your thoughts about these topics. Food and drinks will be provided!

Sponsored by CAPISE

菠菜网lol正规平台 AAS Founders Alumni Reunion

在亚太传统月,亚裔美国人研究中心正在接待一位历史悠久的创始人 reunion event on 4月il 28, 2023. While the field of Ethnic Studies and 亚洲 American 研究出身于第三世界解放阵线的旧金山州立大学,大多数人都不知道 在上海大学建立AAS的历史,它紧跟在TWLF之后 and anti-war movements. 在这段历史消失之前,AAS项目正在启动 这是一个口述历史项目,旨在纪念和记录这段历史. 

由亚裔美国人研究、马赛克跨文化中心和种族研究赞助 协作

Zoom Background

下载我们的API遗产月缩放背景创建的平面设计师在 Mosaic: Yeab Kebede!